
Continuous Control With Deep Reinforcement Learning

This time I want to explore how deep reinforcement learning can be utilized e.g. making a humanoid model walk. This kind of task is a continuous control task. A solution to such a task differs from the one you might know and use to play Atari games, like Pong, with e.g. Deep Q-Network (DQN). I’ll talk about what characterizes continuous control environments. Then, I’ll introduce the actor-critic architecture to you and show the example of the state-of-the-art actor-critic method, Soft Actor-Critic (SAC). Finally, we will dive into the code.

Installing MuJoCo to Work With OpenAI Gym Environments

In this article, I’ll show you how to install MuJoCo on your Mac/Linux machine in order to run continuous control environments from OpenAI’s Gym. These environments include classic ones like HalfCheetah, Hopper, Walker, Ant, and Humanoid and harder ones like object manipulation with a robotic arm or robotic hand dexterity. I’ll also discuss additional agent diagnostics provided by the environments that you might not have considered before.